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C. Jordan, Harasek, M. , Zauner, F. , Kirchbacher, F. , Feilmayr, C. , and Schuster, S. , CFD Analysis of Injection of Heavy Fuel Oil and Plastic Particles into a Blast Furnace Raceway - Estimation of Droplet Size Distribution, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 21, pp. 1087–1092, 2010.
C. Jordan, Paul, G. , Flannery, C. , Friedl, A. , and Harasek, M. , Strömungen in Schüttungen und Faserbündeln, 2001. (1.2 MB)
C. Jordan and Harasek, M. , Optimale Lamellenfläche eines Radialwärmetauschers für einen biomassebefeuerten Stirling-Motor, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, vol. 87, p. 1044, 2015.
C. Jordan, Haddadi, B. , and Harasek, M. , Numerical investigation of transitional turbulent mixing, in AHPC 17, 2017.
C. Jordan and Harasek, M. , Improvement of a Combustion Unit Based on a Grate Furnace for Granular Dry Solid Biofuels Using CFD Methods, Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 31, pp. 774–781, 2010.
C. Jordan, Friedl, A. , and Harasek, M. , Fluiddynamische Aspekte eines Flugstromreaktors, 2000. (586.07 KB)
C. Jordan, Miltner, M. , Potetz, A. , and Harasek, M. , Modellierung turbulenter Freistrahlen mit numerischer Strömungssimulation (CFD), in Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 8, 2005.
C. Jordan and Harasek, M. , Einsatz von CFD zur Verfahrensoptimierung. 2017.
C. Jordan, Harasek, M. , Maier, C. , Feilmayr, C. , and Schuster, S. , Injection of heavy fuel oil and other auxiliary reduction agents into a blast furnace raceway. 2011.
L. Kamarad, Pohn, S. , Bochmann, G. , and Harasek, M. , Determination of mixing quality in biogas plant digesters using tracer tests and computational fluid dynamics, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, vol. 140, pp. 1269–1278, 2013.
A. Karabegovic, Lukitsch, B. , Janeczek, C. , Huber-Dangl, F. , Ecker, P. , Harasek, M. , and Gföhler, M. , Problem of Controlling Blood Flow through an Intravascular Membrane Catheter, in 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Honolulu, USA, 2018.
M. Kiss, Bösenhofer, M. , Schatzl, M. , and Harasek, M. , Region Coupling Algorithms in OpenFoam, in Proceedings of the 16. Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik & 7. Partikelforum, Vienna, Austria, 2020.
M. Kiss, Bösenhofer, M. , Schatzl, M. , and Harasek, M. , Species diffusion modeling in porous particles for metallurgical applications, 9th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking - STEELSIM2021. pp. 18-28, 2021.
M. Kiss, Bösenhofer, M. , Hauzenberger, F. , Stocker, H. , Feilmayr, C. , and Harasek, M. , Investigation of the Thermally Thick Alternative Reducing Agent Behavior in the Raceway Zone, Iron & Steel Technology, vol. 21, no. 3, 2024.
M. Kiss, Bösenhofer, M. , Schatzl, M. , and Harasek, M. , Particle Resolved Thermo-Chemical Conversion of Pulverized Coal Clusters, VII International Conference on Particle-based Methods, PARTICLES 2021. p. 10, 2021.
C. Kuttner, Miltner, M. , Harasek, M. , and Friedl, A. , Process-Simulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Development of a Novel Solid Biomass-Fired Combustor, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 21, pp. 1093–1098, 2010.
G. Löffler, Sieber, R. , Harasek, M. , Hofbauer, H. , Hauss, R. , and Landauf, J. , NOx formation in natural gas combustion - a new simplified reaction scheme for CFD calculations, Fuel, vol. 85, pp. 513–523, 2006.
G. Löffler, Sieber, R. , Harasek, M. , Hofbauer, H. , Hauss, R. , and Landauf, J. , NOx Formation in Natural Gas Combustion-Evaluation of Simplified Reaction Schemes for CFD Calculations, Industrial {&} Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 44, pp. 6622–6633, 2005.
B. Lukitsch and Harasek, M. , Laminar/turbulent transition, PFAU - OpenFOAM® User Meeting. 2017.
B. Lukitsch, Ecker, P. , Elenkov, M. , Janeczek, C. , Haddadi, B. , Jordan, C. , Krenn, C. , Ullrich, R. , Gfoehler, M. , and Harasek, M. , Computation of Global and Local Mass Transfer in Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules, Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 2207, 2020.
C. Maier, Weichselbaum, W. , Schlerka, M. , and Harasek, M. , Development of Agitation Systems in Biogas Plants : Investigation of Mixing Characteristics, Improvement of Energy Efficiency and Scale-up using CFD, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 21, pp. 1195–1200, 2010.
C. Maier, Jordan, C. , Harasek, M. , Feilmayr, C. , and Thaler, C. , Investigation of Alternative Reducing Agent Injection into the Raceway of Blast Furnaces using CFD, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 35, pp. 1345–1350, 2013.
C. Maier, Jordan, C. , Knepper, M. , Babich, A. , Senk, D. , Feilmayr, C. , Thaler, C. , and Harasek, M. , Numerical and Experimental Study of Alternative Reductant Injection into the Raceway of the Blast Furnace, BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, vol. 158, pp. 453–454, 2013.
C. Maier, Jordan, C. , Harasek, M. , and Varmuza, K. , Predicting the pressure drop of cyclones by combined application of computational fluid dynamics and chemometric methods, in Conferentia Chemometrica 2005, Chemometrics VII, 2005.
C. Maier, Jordan, C. , Harasek, M. , Feilmayr, C. , and Thaler, C. , Implementation and Validation of a Three-Dimensional Multiphase-CFD-Model for Blast Furnace Processes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 29, pp. 925–930, 2012.
